Just a photo of my blue Rotary hat. (Testing something out with image uploads – this IS my test site after all. M)

Just a photo of my blue Rotary hat. (Testing something out with image uploads – this IS my test site after all. M)
Following the instructions in this tutorial from WordPress, to build this page using only the blocks in the WordPress editor.
Just a test post using the mobile editor
Testing from a mobile connection
As I wrote about last year, the HTML5 “details” element is a very useful and lightweight way to create a collapsed list of questions or other content. Investigating possible options, these kind of parts of a web page seem to be often called an “accordion”. There are a number of accordion plugins, but almost all the ones I could find use some kind of additional JavaScript scripts to make the accordion.
Because the native HTML element is already known to browsers. The extra JavaScript is not needed.
I would expect so, because there is no need to load additional JavaScript
I found the “Lightweight Accordion” plugin found in the WordPress plugin directory.
Now, obviously I would need to style it a bit more to have it fit in here well, but it’s very easy to add in Gutenberg. It also has the ability to be added in the Classic Editor, too.
Here I am just inserting a “block pattern” in WordPress 5.5 that has two buttons side by side:
The point of a “block pattern” is it lets you insert a pre-defined and pre-configured set of blocks. You then can edit those blocks and set them up with their unique properties.
This is VERY different from “re-usable blocks”, which can also be inserted easily in different parts of your site… but they all share the same value. So you could have, say, your contact info or number of members in a re-usable block. Insert that block all across your site. Update it in one location, and it is updated everywhere.
Instead a “block pattern” is more of a “template”… “here are some blocks to get you going on this page and now you can do with them what you will.“
I can see a HUGE use case for this in the pages we create at my employer. We often create new landing pages or event pages where we use some standard patterns. Obviously we can just “duplicate” an existing page if it is a close match, but often we are building new pages where we also want to bring in elements used on another page. Now, we have built our own blocks for some of our common elements. But a “block pattern” allows us to have a group of blocks that we can easily add to the page.
The challenge is that adding block patterns in WordPress 5.5 primarily involves adding code to your theme or creating a custom plugin.
However, I see there is now a “Block Pattern Builder” plugin that needs some investigation…
My text
Something else
More and more text
Lorum ipsum asldifj alsdjf alskdjf lkasjd
My Big text
More text
This post is to test the lazy loading of iFrames, as noted in this blog post from David Walsh.
I’m first going to just embed a video without the lazy loading:
To make this work, I’m using a HTML block in the WordPress editor so that I can put in the exact iframe copied from YouTube.
Next I’m going to run a couple of speed tests on this published post.
Then, I’ll come back and add ‘loading=”lazy”‘ into the iFrame code and repeat the tests. Let’s see what we learn!
My first lesson was that an IFRAME from YouTube really doesn’t load much in by default. Just a very small web player, image, etc. This makes sense. The larger video is only loaded when the user hits this play icon.
So, in this instance, the lazy loading doesn’t really save that much at all. This would be far more effective with an IFRAME that loaded in a large object of some form.
That said, I did see a very small difference in the before and after tests.
Using WebPageTest.org, the before (i.e. non-lazy-loading) test had a Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) of 1.279 seconds and a total time of 3.034 s.
The test after the change had a LCP of 1.212 s and total time of 3.003 s.
That change is TOO tiny to really be sure it was a result of the lazy loading. It could, quite honestly, be related to latency or the speed of the test platform.
BUT… I also did tests with Firefox’s Developer Tools (the network inspector) on my local system and similarly saw a very small difference between the results before and after.
So it’s something I’ll try to remember when I’m using iframes to embed content from other sites. In other instances, it may make more of a difference.
I’m just experimenting with version 7.1 of the Gutenberg plugin. Released today (Dec 11, 2019), the release notes indicate substantial changes, particularly in the UI.
So this is just an experimental post (because that is what this site is all about!).
Things I am looking forward to over the next few weeks:
Sadly, it does not look like the team fixed the issue where you cannot change the text color of List blocks. To be clear, they did NOT say they were going to! I was just wondering if one of the other features would help with that.
The table functionality keeps getting better and better… although I can’t seem to find the header menu to switch between edit and select tools.
Some heading | Another heading | One more heading |
sdkfj asdfasdf asdfasdf | asdf | qewrt |
erytueyu | t457 | ghj |
My menu when inside the table does not look like what I see in the Github issue. (Perhaps I have to use a different WordPress theme?)
All in all very cool stuff
I was rather amazed today to discover the <details> element. Where had this been? Clearly I’ve not been keeping up with the evolution of HTML! 😞
Per the Mozilla documentation of <details>, the element is supported by all modern browsers except Microsoft IE and Microsoft Edge. It does seem that MS is working on adding this to Edge, though.
Hat tip to someone on Mastodon who pointed me to: